We'll here we are, about 50% complete on the adventure that is Taveuni Dive Resort, Muriel says 40%, I think we're a bit over 50%, so let's split it down the middle, okay? Karen Robertson, project photographer, has provided us more visual stimulus to keep you all wondering about when you should make your reservation. So let's get started:
Muriel and the crew started an impromptu archaeology dig during the planting of the garden, and they discovered some "artifacts" from the days of a working plantation.
Another archaeological treasure? You be the judge.
Bures 1-6 are roofed and getting prepared for
Are you excited yet? Here you can start to get a feel for what are resort is going to be like?
Here are Bures 7-8 beginning to take shape.
Here you can see the aggregate being added to the outside of the bures.
With all of this construction going on, I'm not sure how, but they still manage a round of 9. Maybe they've nailed the work-life balance thing?